Sorry for yelling, but have you looked outside!?!?! THE SUN IS SHINING!!! I dunno about you, maybe you live in Hawaii (and if you do, then we can’t be friends anymore.. ha ha, kidding, but let it be known, I’m uber-jealous!) but around here in The Bluegrass State, we haven’t seen the sun like this in a long, LONG time!!

The window I look out most often is actually our french doors that open onto the patio in our back yard. From there, I can see the hills that rise up behind us, so all the color I’m getting is this dead-grass brown, so that’s not so exciting. And of course, this sunshine is also accentuating the fact that my windows are in dire need of cleaning. And that it will soon be gardening time and I’ve done nothing to plan other than looking for some heirloom seeds online.


So, maybe the sunshine is a little more depressing than I first thought. Ha ha!!

Nah, I’m happy for the sun and happy that soon the weather will be warm enough to actually ride bikes outside instead of inside on a blasted trainer.

Speaking of bikes, (and no, this wasn’t supposed to be a bike-themed post, but whatcha gonna do?) Hubby and I were the only ones at the shop to ride trainers last night. What is up with all these lazy people?? Ha ha!! Truth be told, any one of them could blow me out of the water and they probably didn’t show because they got out and rode on the road yesterday. You never know with those crazy people. They are die-hard cyclists!

But yeah, so the guy running the shop now stays there overnight sometimes, so he was cool with us riding, so ride we did! I’ve been using the clips to ride and I am so unsure about that. [read here if you missed my post about my thus-far experience with cycling] I still have visions and flashbacks of my experience trying the clips the first time. Heck, I still have a lump in my breast from the bruise I got back in September, okay? I have the ugliest scar on my knee from it. I am just REALLY not sure I can learn to do this clip-on thing well enough to ride all the time, but I’m gonna try.


*sigh* Seriously, I know I’m not gonna fall riding with clips on the trainer since it stands up on its own and doing the training videos, I’m not getting a whole lot of experience clipping in and out either.

Maybe my brain just works too slow to remember that when I’m gonna stop, I have to twist my foot loose first. And then there’s those times when you actually don’t KNOW you’re gonna stop (someone stops in front of you, there’s debris you can’t swerve around, a dog runs in front of you, etc.) so I am just WAY nervous about those doggone things. I hate feeling this way too.

And that brings me back to fear. Am I just too afraid? Am I just letting fear mess with me? My inner me wants to scream, “NO! I’m just being PRACTICAL and trying to TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!” *ie: avoid future scars or breast lumps!

But IS it just fear? Maybe I need to explore that. Hang tight for my post about my realization of what “fear” really is and how I was exposed to its true nature and what I learned from that. I’ll link it later.

Revelation 21:23 — “And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.”

Deuteronomy 20:3 — “….‘Hear, O Israel, today you are drawing near for battle against your enemies: let not your heart faint. Do not fear or panic or be in dread of them,”

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